Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Post Code (AddressPostCode)

The post code, a.k.a. postal code, ZIP code, etc.

Post codes are common elements in many countries' postal address systems.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
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type Property
label Post Code (AddressPostCode)
rdfs:range String
Title Post Code (AddressPostCode)
definition The post code, a.k.a. postal code, ZIP code, etc.
Description Post codes are common elements in many countries' postal address systems.
Type Property
has internal identifier AddressPostCode
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary


Mapping Type Element Core Data Model
has close match d449766e04ed96cb8e936a688c367427
has exact match fa2cc103143210f9aa68fd4ffb5aee87
has exact match Tax representative post code Core Invoice Semantic Data Model
has exact match 4582304f81df17afde7f84515a9641f6
has exact match Postcode (postcode) FSB Canonical Data Model PersonServices
has exact match 0beb2211c63c5431ef0b09c502423057
has exact match Buyer post code Core Invoice Semantic Data Model
has exact match 7545294aa931e37ffdefa3680790b78d
has exact match Seller post code Core Invoice Semantic Data Model
has exact match EN: "Address Postal Code" (postadress postnummer) Swedish Company data model
has exact match nc:LocationPostalCode NIEM 3.0
has exact match EN: "Address Postcode" (Anschrift.postleitzahl_v1.1) KoSIT - XÖV
has exact match EN: Address - Prefecture (ic:住所型. ic:都道府県) IMI Core Vocabulary 2.2
has narrow match Deliver to post code Core Invoice Semantic Data Model

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