Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Registered Address (LegalEntityRegisteredAddress)

The registered address of the business.

In almost all jurisdictions, legal entities must register a postal address. This may or may not be the actual address at which the legal entity does its business - it is commonly the address of their lawyer or accountant - but it is the address to which formal communications can be sent.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
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type Property
label Registered Address (LegalEntityRegisteredAddress)
rdfs:range Address
Title Registered Address (LegalEntityRegisteredAddress)
definition The registered address of the business.
Description In almost all jurisdictions, legal entities must register a postal address. This may or may not be the actual address at which the legal entity does its business - it is commonly the address of their lawyer or accountant - but it is the address to which formal communications can be sent.
Type Property
has internal identifier LegalEntityRegisteredAddress
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary


Mapping Type Element Core Data Model
has broader match EN: "Establishments" (Arbetsställe) Swedish Company data model
has broader match EN: "Organization Address" (Organisation.anschrift_v1.1) KoSIT - XÖV
has broader match EN: "Main work location" (Huvudarbetsställe) Swedish Company data model
has broader match EN: "Address" (Postadress) Swedish Company data model
has close match 2d74d618c7e5bb8cdf76f93157a4ad76
has exact match 16de469308b2747ca365434f0d49a1c5
has exact match 3584a02ab091a5de19d5623fd78528db
has exact match EN: Identifier - Reference system - URI (ic:ID型. ic:体系. ic:URI) IMI Core Vocabulary 2.2

Referenced by

Legal Entity