Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Homepage (PublicOrganizationHomepage)

A property to link an organization to its website homepage. The value of this property is a URL irrespective of the serialisation of the data. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to foaf:homepage.

A property to link an organization to its website homepage. The value of this property is a URL irrespective of the serialisation of the data. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to foaf:homepage.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
HTML | RDF/XML | Turtle


type Property
label Homepage (PublicOrganizationHomepage)
rdfs:range d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Title Homepage (PublicOrganizationHomepage)
definition A property to link an organization to its website homepage. The value of this property is a URL irrespective of the serialisation of the data. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to foaf:homepage.
Description A property to link an organization to its website homepage. The value of this property is a URL irrespective of the serialisation of the data. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to foaf:homepage.
type Property
has internal identifier PublicOrganizationHomepage
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary


Mapping Type Element Core Data Model
has close match 34472dccaf6a6b12a1aef0d12a0ad76a

Referenced by

Public Organisation