Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Type (FormalFrameworkType)

This property represents the Type of a Formal Framework as described in a controlled vocabulary (e.g. directive, law, draft proposition, Parliamentary act, ministerial decision etc.). The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary.

This property represents the Type of a Formal Framework as described in a controlled vocabulary (e.g. directive, law, draft proposition, Parliamentary act, ministerial decision etc.). The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
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type Property
label Type (FormalFrameworkType)
rdfs:range d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Title Type (FormalFrameworkType)
definition This property represents the Type of a Formal Framework as described in a controlled vocabulary (e.g. directive, law, draft proposition, Parliamentary act, ministerial decision etc.). The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary.
Description This property represents the Type of a Formal Framework as described in a controlled vocabulary (e.g. directive, law, draft proposition, Parliamentary act, ministerial decision etc.). The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary.
type Property
has internal identifier FormalFrameworkType
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary

Referenced by

Formal Framework