Main characteristics of the data set described in an easily understandable manner, referring to the data and indicators disseminated.
This summary description should provide an immediate understanding of the data to users (also to those which do not have a broader technical knowledge of the data set in question).
type | Property |
label | DATA_DESCR |
rdfs:range | 3b4f3414682a221fe59c2427d0945420 |
Title | DATA_DESCR |
definition | Main characteristics of the data set described in an easily understandable manner, referring to the data and indicators disseminated. |
Description | This summary description should provide an immediate understanding of the data to users (also to those which do not have a broader technical knowledge of the data set in question). |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | DATA_DESCR |
included asset | 57039154ff24265b6eb576538d7c2bea |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | SDMX |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has exact match (I) | Description (dcat:Dataset/dct:description) | DCAT-AP |