Main economic or other sectors covered by the statistics.
The sector coverage delimits the statistical results with regard to the main sectors covered. These sectors can be institutional sectors, economic or other sectors (e.g. local government sector, agriculture, forestry, or business services).
type | Property |
rdfs:range | 3b4f3414682a221fe59c2427d0945420 |
definition | Main economic or other sectors covered by the statistics. |
Description | The sector coverage delimits the statistical results with regard to the main sectors covered. These sectors can be institutional sectors, economic or other sectors (e.g. local government sector, agriculture, forestry, or business services). |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | COVERAGE_SECTOR |
included asset | a5d91e1697b7c75863fb9c6163a3446e |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | SDMX |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has close match (I) | theme/category (dcat:Dataset/dcat:themes) | DCAT-AP |