This property links an organization to the administrative region(s) that it covers. The value of the properly should be the URI of the region as defined in an authoritative list of regions. In Europe, this is likely to be the Administrative Territorial Units ( Named Authority List maintained by the Publications Office's Metadata Registry. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to dcterms:spatial. The ATU list does not include a geometry. That is, the territory is only identified by its name not its spatial coordinates. This is likely to be the case for similar lists. If geometries are available for the Public Organization's territory, they can be linked from the territorial unit using the Location Core Vocabulary's locn:geometry property (
This property links an organization to the administrative region(s) that it covers. The value of the properly should be the URI of the region as defined in an authoritative list of regions. In Europe, this is likely to be the Administrative Territorial Units ( Named Authority List maintained by the Publications Office's Metadata Registry. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to dcterms:spatial. The ATU list does not include a geometry. That is, the territory is only identified by its name not its spatial coordinates. This is likely to be the case for similar lists. If geometries are available for the Public Organization's territory, they can be linked from the territorial unit using the Location Core Vocabulary's locn:geometry property (
type | Property |
label | Contact Point (PublicOrganizationContactPoint) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Contact Point (PublicOrganizationContactPoint) |
definition | This property links an organization to the administrative region(s) that it covers. The value of the properly should be the URI of the region as defined in an authoritative list of regions. In Europe, this is likely to be the Administrative Territorial Units ( Named Authority List maintained by the Publications Office's Metadata Registry. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to dcterms:spatial. The ATU list does not include a geometry. That is, the territory is only identified by its name not its spatial coordinates. This is likely to be the case for similar lists. If geometries are available for the Public Organization's territory, they can be linked from the territorial unit using the Location Core Vocabulary's locn:geometry property ( |
Description | This property links an organization to the administrative region(s) that it covers. The value of the properly should be the URI of the region as defined in an authoritative list of regions. In Europe, this is likely to be the Administrative Territorial Units ( Named Authority List maintained by the Publications Office's Metadata Registry. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to dcterms:spatial. The ATU list does not include a geometry. That is, the territory is only identified by its name not its spatial coordinates. This is likely to be the case for similar lists. If geometries are available for the Public Organization's territory, they can be linked from the territorial unit using the Location Core Vocabulary's locn:geometry property ( |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | PublicOrganizationContactPoint |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Public Organisation |