See issue: A contact point for the service is almost always helpful. The value of this property, the contact information itself, should be provided using VCard. Note that the contact information should be relevant to the Public Service which may not be the same as contact information for the Competent Authority or any Participant. Furthermore, there may be different contact information for each channel through which the Public Service is available.
See issue: A contact point for the service is almost always helpful. The value of this property, the contact information itself, should be provided using VCard. Note that the contact information should be relevant to the Public Service which may not be the same as contact information for the Competent Authority or any Participant. Furthermore, there may be different contact information for each channel through which the Public Service is available.
type | Property |
label | Has Contact Point (PublicServiceHasContactPoint) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Has Contact Point (PublicServiceHasContactPoint) |
definition | See issue: A contact point for the service is almost always helpful. The value of this property, the contact information itself, should be provided using VCard. Note that the contact information should be relevant to the Public Service which may not be the same as contact information for the Competent Authority or any Participant. Furthermore, there may be different contact information for each channel through which the Public Service is available. |
Description | See issue: A contact point for the service is almost always helpful. The value of this property, the contact information itself, should be provided using VCard. Note that the contact information should be relevant to the Public Service which may not be the same as contact information for the Competent Authority or any Participant. Furthermore, there may be different contact information for each channel through which the Public Service is available. |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | PublicServiceHasContactPoint |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Public Service |