The date on which the metadata element was inserted or modified in the database.
The date of the metadata update may refer to the update of a whole metadata set or to the update of any single metadata item. The update can refer to the file update (with or without change in the content) or to the date on which the metadata have been posted on the web. Correspondingly, this concept can be broken down into: Metadata update - last certified; Metadata update - last posted; Metadata update - last update.
type | Property |
label | META_UPDATE |
rdfs:range | d641621f753169215a4cf58c092218dd |
definition | The date on which the metadata element was inserted or modified in the database. |
Description | The date of the metadata update may refer to the update of a whole metadata set or to the update of any single metadata item. The update can refer to the file update (with or without change in the content) or to the date on which the metadata have been posted on the web. Correspondingly, this concept can be broken down into: Metadata update - last certified; Metadata update - last posted; Metadata update - last update. |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | META_UPDATE |
included asset | 06093645e27def5859075c5d32f56ec4 |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | SDMX |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has close match (I) | update/modification date (dcat:CatalogRecord/dct:modified) | DCAT-AP |