Dates or periods to which the observations used to compile the weights refer.
Concept relevant for index numbers and transformations such as \GDP at constant prices\". "
type | Property |
label | REF_PER_WGTS |
rdfs:range | 3b4f3414682a221fe59c2427d0945420 |
Title | REF_PER_WGTS |
definition | Dates or periods to which the observations used to compile the weights refer. |
Description | Concept relevant for index numbers and transformations such as \GDP at constant prices\". " |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | REF_PER_WGTS |
included asset | 71e5cc12867dbcf1f0581147da7398d6 |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | SDMX |