Most recent date on which the distribution was changed, updated or modified
rdfs:Literal encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date and Time compliant string and typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype [xmlschema-2]
type | Property |
label | update/modification date (dcat:Distribution/dct:modified) |
rdfs:range | Date Time |
Title | update/modification date (dcat:Distribution/dct:modified) |
definition | Most recent date on which the distribution was changed, updated or modified |
Description | rdfs:Literal encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date and Time compliant string and typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype [xmlschema-2] |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | dcat:Distribution/dct:modified |
sample | |
Is Part Of | DCAT-AP |
Identifier | dct:modified |
Distribution |