A globally unique identifier for this instance of the address.
The concept of adding a globally unique identifier for each instance of an address is a crucial part of the INSPIRE data spec. A number of EU countries have already implemented an ID (a UUID) in their address register/gazetteer, among them Denmark. It is the address identifier that allows an address to be represented in a format other than INSPIRE whilst remaining conformant to the core vocabulary. The identifier is a hook that can be used to link the address to an alternative representation, such as vCard.
type | Property |
label | Address ID (AddressAddressID) |
rdfs:range | String |
Title | Address ID (AddressAddressID) |
definition | A globally unique identifier for this instance of the address. |
Description | The concept of adding a globally unique identifier for each instance of an address is a crucial part of the INSPIRE data spec. A number of EU countries have already implemented an ID (a UUID) in their address register/gazetteer, among them Denmark. It is the address identifier that allows an address to be represented in a format other than INSPIRE whilst remaining conformant to the core vocabulary. The identifier is a hook that can be used to link the address to an alternative representation, such as vCard. |
Type | Property |
has internal identifier | AddressAddressID |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Address |