As defined in the ORG Ontology, a preferred label is used to provide the primary, legally recognised name of the organization. An organization may only have one such name in any given language. Primary names may be provided in multiple languages with multiple instances of the preferred label property. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to skos:prefLabel.
As defined in the ORG Ontology, a preferred label is used to provide the primary, legally recognised name of the organization. An organization may only have one such name in any given language. Primary names may be provided in multiple languages with multiple instances of the preferred label property. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to skos:prefLabel.
type | Property |
label | Preferred Label (PublicOrganizationPreferredLabel) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Preferred Label (PublicOrganizationPreferredLabel) |
definition | As defined in the ORG Ontology, a preferred label is used to provide the primary, legally recognised name of the organization. An organization may only have one such name in any given language. Primary names may be provided in multiple languages with multiple instances of the preferred label property. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to skos:prefLabel. |
Description | As defined in the ORG Ontology, a preferred label is used to provide the primary, legally recognised name of the organization. An organization may only have one such name in any given language. Primary names may be provided in multiple languages with multiple instances of the preferred label property. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to skos:prefLabel. |
Type | Property |
has internal identifier | PublicOrganizationPreferredLabel |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Public Organisation |