Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Country Of Birth (PersonCountryOfBirth)

The country where the person was born.

A person's Country Of Birth is defined using the Location class. A plain code like "DE" should be provided as a Geographic Name whereas a URI should be provided as a Geographic Identifier. Ideally, provide both. Providing a simple country name is problematic and should be avoided whereas using a standardised system that allows the use of a code list for country names has a lot of potential for increasing semantic interoperability.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
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type Property
label Country Of Birth (PersonCountryOfBirth)
rdfs:range Location
Title Country Of Birth (PersonCountryOfBirth)
definition The country where the person was born.
Description A person's Country Of Birth is defined using the Location class. A plain code like "DE" should be provided as a Geographic Name whereas a URI should be provided as a Geographic Identifier. Ideally, provide both. Providing a simple country name is problematic and should be avoided whereas using a standardised system that allows the use of a code list for country names has a lot of potential for increasing semantic interoperability.
Type Property
has internal identifier PersonCountryOfBirth
sample "HUN", ""
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary


Mapping Type Element Core Data Model
has close match nc:PersonNationality NIEM 3.0
has close match 98e8aa8cf0fa7bd3b20294827c659dd1
has exact match Place of birth eIDAS minimum dataset
has exact match bf56305a7049ff64e6f5fed53284e535
has exact match 0c34d434087455b8257e5102cca7c20b
has exact match EN: Person - Birth place (ic:人型. ic:出生地) IMI Core Vocabulary 2.2
has exact match Birth place - country (birthPlaceCountry) FSB Canonical Data Model PersonServices
has narrow match cd69e725def6f32aa171ff60c67ffddd

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