Date of last update of the content of the metadata.
The last update of the content of metadata should be retained. The update can concern one single concept, but also the metadata file as a whole. The concept is also relevant for metadata reporting from countries to international organizations within metadata standards initiatives.
type | Property |
rdfs:range | d641621f753169215a4cf58c092218dd |
definition | Date of last update of the content of the metadata. |
Description | The last update of the content of metadata should be retained. The update can concern one single concept, but also the metadata file as a whole. The concept is also relevant for metadata reporting from countries to international organizations within metadata standards initiatives. |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | META_LAST_UPDATE |
included asset | 472241f92812368cd974a8e57b032cdc |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | SDMX |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has close match (I) | update/modification date (dcat:CatalogRecord/dct:modified) | DCAT-AP |