Most recent date on which the catalog was changed, updated or modified (rdfs:Literal encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date and Time compliant string and typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype [xmlschema-2])
The value of this property indicates a change to the actual dataset, not a change to the catalog record. An absent value may indicate that the dataset has never changed after its initial publication, or that the date of last modification is not known, or that the dataset is continuously updated
type | Property |
label | update/modification date (dcat:Dataset/dct:modified) |
rdfs:range | Date Time |
Title | update/modification date (dcat:Dataset/dct:modified) |
definition | Most recent date on which the catalog was changed, updated or modified (rdfs:Literal encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date and Time compliant string and typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype [xmlschema-2]) |
Description | The value of this property indicates a change to the actual dataset, not a change to the catalog record. An absent value may indicate that the dataset has never changed after its initial publication, or that the date of last modification is not known, or that the dataset is continuously updated |
Type | Property |
has internal identifier | dcat:Dataset/dct:modified |
sample | |
Is Part Of | DCAT-AP |
Identifier | dct:modified |
Dataset |