The uppermost administrative unit for the address, almost always a country.
Best practice is to use the ISO 3166-1 code but if this is inappropriate for the context, country names should be provided in a consistent manner to reduce ambiguity. For example, either write 'United Kingdom' or 'UK' consistently throughout the data set and avoid mixing the two.
type | Property |
label | Admin Unit L1 (AddressAdminUnitL1) |
rdfs:range | Text |
Title | Admin Unit L1 (AddressAdminUnitL1) |
definition | The uppermost administrative unit for the address, almost always a country. |
Description | Best practice is to use the ISO 3166-1 code but if this is inappropriate for the context, country names should be provided in a consistent manner to reduce ambiguity. For example, either write 'United Kingdom' or 'UK' consistently throughout the data set and avoid mixing the two. |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | AddressAdminUnitL1 |
sample | "UK", "United Kingdom" |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Address |