This property links a Resource to any Channel through which an agent provides, uses or otherwise interacts with it. It is a super property of foaf:homepage and cpsv:physicallyLocatedAt. Further sub properties with more specific semantics may readily be defined such those that would link to proprietary platform applications, phone lines etc.
label | has channel (cpsv:hasChannel) |
Title | has channel (cpsv:hasChannel) |
definition | This property links a Resource to any Channel through which an agent provides, uses or otherwise interacts with it. It is a super property of foaf:homepage and cpsv:physicallyLocatedAt. Further sub properties with more specific semantics may readily be defined such those that would link to proprietary platform applications, phone lines etc. |
Description | |
has internal identifier | cpsv:hasChannel |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabularies RDF Schemas |