A criterion may have a weight to provide for automatic scoring of the criterion responses. It implies that there are multiple criteria, and the weight represents the importance of one criterion among the whole set of criteria.
A criterion may have a weight to provide for automatic scoring of the criterion responses. It implies that there are multiple criteria, and the weight represents the importance of one criterion among the whole set of criteria.
type | Property |
label | Weight (CriterionWeight) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Weight (CriterionWeight) |
definition | A criterion may have a weight to provide for automatic scoring of the criterion responses. It implies that there are multiple criteria, and the weight represents the importance of one criterion among the whole set of criteria. |
Description | A criterion may have a weight to provide for automatic scoring of the criterion responses. It implies that there are multiple criteria, and the weight represents the importance of one criterion among the whole set of criteria. |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | CriterionWeight |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has close match | 5af1a416e60e522b64d1bc287c9d34e1 | |
has exact match | c6099f902bf1a7808d5e5f4b3a4c4d53 | |
has exact match | e474d00efc5274d42ef4c3553167dc3b |
Criteron |