The exact time at which the data can be made available to the public.
Usually, there is a time span between the finalisation of the production process of statistical data and the moment when the data produced is released and made available to the users. This time span is called \embargo time\". "
type | Property |
label | EMBARGO_TIME |
rdfs:range | d641621f753169215a4cf58c092218dd |
definition | The exact time at which the data can be made available to the public. |
Description | Usually, there is a time span between the finalisation of the production process of statistical data and the moment when the data produced is released and made available to the users. This time span is called \embargo time\". " |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | EMBARGO_TIME |
included asset | 525d8e3254b266f95d79f2d730a95eb2 |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | SDMX |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has close match (I) | release date (dcat:Dataset/dct:issued) | DCAT-AP |