The registered address of the business.
In almost all jurisdictions, legal entities must register a postal address. This may or may not be the actual address at which the legal entity does its business - it is commonly the address of their lawyer or accountant - but it is the address to which formal communications can be sent.
type | Property |
label | Registered Address (LegalEntityRegisteredAddress) |
rdfs:range | Address |
Title | Registered Address (LegalEntityRegisteredAddress) |
definition | The registered address of the business. |
Description | In almost all jurisdictions, legal entities must register a postal address. This may or may not be the actual address at which the legal entity does its business - it is commonly the address of their lawyer or accountant - but it is the address to which formal communications can be sent. |
Type | Property |
has internal identifier | LegalEntityRegisteredAddress |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Legal Entity |