A criterion requirement may specify whether the evidence proving this criterion requirement shall be of a specific type of copy, for instance, certified copy.
A criterion requirement may specify whether the evidence proving this criterion requirement shall be of a specific type of copy, for instance, certified copy.
type | Property |
label | Type of Copy Quality (CriterionRequirementTypeofCopyQuality) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Type of Copy Quality (CriterionRequirementTypeofCopyQuality) |
definition | A criterion requirement may specify whether the evidence proving this criterion requirement shall be of a specific type of copy, for instance, certified copy. |
Description | A criterion requirement may specify whether the evidence proving this criterion requirement shall be of a specific type of copy, for instance, certified copy. |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | CriterionRequirementTypeofCopyQuality |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
CriterionRequirement |