Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Has Contact Point (ChannelHasContactPoint)

Links a channel to a method of contact. The actual method of contact is provided using the Contact class from the Core public Organization Vocabulary which in turn uses VCard to provide information such as phone number, homepage etc.

Links a channel to a method of contact. The actual method of contact is provided using the Contact class from the Core public Organization Vocabulary which in turn uses VCard to provide information such as phone number, homepage etc.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
HTML | RDF/XML | Turtle


type Property
label Has Contact Point (ChannelHasContactPoint)
rdfs:range d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Title Has Contact Point (ChannelHasContactPoint)
definition Links a channel to a method of contact. The actual method of contact is provided using the Contact class from the Core public Organization Vocabulary which in turn uses VCard to provide information such as phone number, homepage etc.
Description Links a channel to a method of contact. The actual method of contact is provided using the Contact class from the Core public Organization Vocabulary which in turn uses VCard to provide information such as phone number, homepage etc.
type Property
has internal identifier ChannelHasContactPoint
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary

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