The uppermost administrative unit for the address, almost always a country. Best practice is to use the ISO 3166-1 code but if this is inappropriate for the context, country names should be provided in a consistent manner to reduce ambiguity.
type | mdr:DataElement |
mdr:context | Core Location |
mdr:objectClass | Address |
mdr:property | admin unit level 1 |
representation technique | RDFSchema |
definition | The uppermost administrative unit for the address, almost always a country. Best practice is to use the ISO 3166-1 code but if this is inappropriate for the context, country names should be provided in a consistent manner to reduce ambiguity. |
Rights | isa-open-metadata-licence-v11 |
Rights Holder | |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has close match | AddressCountry |