Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Temporal (ParticipationTemporal)

Links to a Period of Time in which the Agent associated via the Plays Role property participates/participated. If the Period of Time has only a start date, then it can be inferred that the participation is still active.

Links to a Period of Time in which the Agent associated via the Plays Role property participates/participated. If the Period of Time has only a start date, then it can be inferred that the participation is still active.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
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type Property
label Temporal (ParticipationTemporal)
rdfs:range d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Title Temporal (ParticipationTemporal)
definition Links to a Period of Time in which the Agent associated via the Plays Role property participates/participated. If the Period of Time has only a start date, then it can be inferred that the participation is still active.
Description Links to a Period of Time in which the Agent associated via the Plays Role property participates/participated. If the Period of Time has only a start date, then it can be inferred that the participation is still active.
type Property
has internal identifier ParticipationTemporal
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary

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