Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Birth Name (PersonBirthName)

The full name of the person at the time of her birth, irrespective of any subsequent changes.

All data associated with an individual are subject to change. Names can change for a variety of reasons, either formally or informally, and new information may come to light that means that a correction or clarification can be made to an existing record. Birth names tend to be persistent however and for this reason they are recorded by some public sector information systems. There is no granularity for birth name - the full name should be recorded in a single field.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
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type Property
label Birth Name (PersonBirthName)
rdfs:range String
Title Birth Name (PersonBirthName)
definition The full name of the person at the time of her birth, irrespective of any subsequent changes.
Description All data associated with an individual are subject to change. Names can change for a variety of reasons, either formally or informally, and new information may come to light that means that a correction or clarification can be made to an existing record. Birth names tend to be persistent however and for this reason they are recorded by some public sector information systems. There is no granularity for birth name - the full name should be recorded in a single field.
Type Property
has internal identifier PersonBirthName
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary


Mapping Type Element Core Data Model
has broader match EN: Person - Name of person - Family name (ic:人型. ic:氏名. ic:姓) IMI Core Vocabulary 2.2
has exact match Name and family name at Birth eIDAS minimum dataset
has exact match 2c81aba13ecc990776dc74cf752c4870
has related match 42f2fe49018c0026778f53e6a6824031
has related match nc:PersonMaidenName NIEM 3.0

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