Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Status (FormalFrameworkStatus)

This property represents the Status of the Formal Framework, for instance in force, not in force, partially applicable, implicitly revoked, explicitly revoked, repealed, expired, suspended, … The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary.

This property represents the Status of the Formal Framework, for instance in force, not in force, partially applicable, implicitly revoked, explicitly revoked, repealed, expired, suspended, … The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
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type Property
label Status (FormalFrameworkStatus)
rdfs:range d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Title Status (FormalFrameworkStatus)
definition This property represents the Status of the Formal Framework, for instance in force, not in force, partially applicable, implicitly revoked, explicitly revoked, repealed, expired, suspended, … The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary.
Description This property represents the Status of the Formal Framework, for instance in force, not in force, partially applicable, implicitly revoked, explicitly revoked, repealed, expired, suspended, … The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary.
type Property
has internal identifier FormalFrameworkStatus
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary

Referenced by

Formal Framework