Core Data Model Mapping Directory

Logo (PublicOrganizationLogo)

A property to link an organization to its logo. The value of this property can simply be the URL of the logo but it is better for developers if it links to an object that provides the URL of the image and essential metadata about it, notably its dimensions. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to schema:logo which takes either a URL or a schema:ImageObject as its value.

A property to link an organization to its logo. The value of this property can simply be the URL of the logo but it is better for developers if it links to an object that provides the URL of the image and essential metadata about it, notably its dimensions. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to schema:logo which takes either a URL or a schema:ImageObject as its value.

Internal Identifier
Public ID
No public identifier
Raw data
HTML | RDF/XML | Turtle


type Property
label Logo (PublicOrganizationLogo)
rdfs:range d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Title Logo (PublicOrganizationLogo)
definition A property to link an organization to its logo. The value of this property can simply be the URL of the logo but it is better for developers if it links to an object that provides the URL of the image and essential metadata about it, notably its dimensions. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to schema:logo which takes either a URL or a schema:ImageObject as its value.
Description A property to link an organization to its logo. The value of this property can simply be the URL of the logo but it is better for developers if it links to an object that provides the URL of the image and essential metadata about it, notably its dimensions. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to schema:logo which takes either a URL or a schema:ImageObject as its value.
type Property
has internal identifier PublicOrganizationLogo
Is Part Of Core Vocabulary


Mapping Type Element Core Data Model
has exact match cf6d277bcc971c706490144c45ccbc75

Referenced by

Public Organisation