The Requirement Response must contain the value that responds to the criterion requirement. In order to fulfil the criterion requirement, when there is an expected value or an expected threshold, the value should be equal to the expected value or within the range established by the thresholds range in order to fulfil the criterion requirement.
type | Property |
label | Value (RequirementResponseValue) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Value (RequirementResponseValue) |
definition | The Requirement Response must contain the value that responds to the criterion requirement. In order to fulfil the criterion requirement, when there is an expected value or an expected threshold, the value should be equal to the expected value or within the range established by the thresholds range in order to fulfil the criterion requirement. |
Description | |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | RequirementResponseValue |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has narrow match | fbe96965089a2505fc976bf3d2d9214c | |
has narrow match | bcc80b6284168fd2572df57b2ea825ff |
Requirement Response |