This property is used to define the expected value that the responder has to provide in the criterion response.
This property is used to define the expected value that the responder has to provide in the criterion response.
type | Property |
label | Expeected Value (CriterionRequirementExpeectedValue) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Expeected Value (CriterionRequirementExpeectedValue) |
definition | This property is used to define the expected value that the responder has to provide in the criterion response. |
Description | This property is used to define the expected value that the responder has to provide in the criterion response. |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | CriterionRequirementExpeectedValue |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
CriterionRequirement |