Assessment of discrepancies and other problems related to source data.
\Data validation - source\" describes the assessment of source data including censuses, sample surveys, and administrative records and how the results of the assessments are monitored and made available to improve statistical processes. "
type | Property |
rdfs:range | 3b4f3414682a221fe59c2427d0945420 |
definition | Assessment of discrepancies and other problems related to source data. |
Description | \Data validation - source\" describes the assessment of source data including censuses, sample surveys, and administrative records and how the results of the assessments are monitored and made available to improve statistical processes. " |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | DATA_VAL_SOURCE |
included asset | d04a55c5cc5ad6b5db7734ef95d1da1a |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | SDMX |