Descriptive text and references to methodological documents available.
\Documentation on methodology\" refers to the availability of documentation related to various aspects of the data, such as methodological documents, summary notes or papers covering concepts, scope, classifications and statistical techniques. This concept also includes the \"Advance notice of changes in methodology\", indicating whether the public is notified before a methodological change affects disseminated data and, if so, how long before. "
type | Property |
label | DOC_METHOD |
rdfs:range | 3b4f3414682a221fe59c2427d0945420 |
Title | DOC_METHOD |
definition | Descriptive text and references to methodological documents available. |
Description | \Documentation on methodology\" refers to the availability of documentation related to various aspects of the data, such as methodological documents, summary notes or papers covering concepts, scope, classifications and statistical techniques. This concept also includes the \"Advance notice of changes in methodology\", indicating whether the public is notified before a methodological change affects disseminated data and, if so, how long before. " |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | DOC_METHOD |
included asset | c236bc9265a64543e1e4f4e982b342a9 |
sample | | | |
Is Part Of | SDMX |
Mapping Type | Element | Core Data Model |
has broad match (I) | Landing Page (dcat:Dataset/dct:landingPage) | DCAT-AP |