In line with ORG and SKOS itself, an organization may have any number of alternative or informal names, irrespective of language. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to skos:altLabel
In line with ORG and SKOS itself, an organization may have any number of alternative or informal names, irrespective of language. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to skos:altLabel
type | Property |
label | Alternative Label (PublicOrganizationAlternativeLabel) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Alternative Label (PublicOrganizationAlternativeLabel) |
definition | In line with ORG and SKOS itself, an organization may have any number of alternative or informal names, irrespective of language. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to skos:altLabel |
Description | In line with ORG and SKOS itself, an organization may have any number of alternative or informal names, irrespective of language. In the RDF release of the CPOV, this property is bound to skos:altLabel |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | PublicOrganizationAlternativeLabel |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Public Organisation |