Links a channel to a method of contact. The actual method of contact is provided using the Contact class from the Core public Organization Vocabulary which in turn uses VCard to provide information such as phone number, homepage etc.
Links a channel to a method of contact. The actual method of contact is provided using the Contact class from the Core public Organization Vocabulary which in turn uses VCard to provide information such as phone number, homepage etc.
type | Property |
label | Has Contact Point (ChannelHasContactPoint) |
rdfs:range | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Title | Has Contact Point (ChannelHasContactPoint) |
definition | Links a channel to a method of contact. The actual method of contact is provided using the Contact class from the Core public Organization Vocabulary which in turn uses VCard to provide information such as phone number, homepage etc. |
Description | Links a channel to a method of contact. The actual method of contact is provided using the Contact class from the Core public Organization Vocabulary which in turn uses VCard to provide information such as phone number, homepage etc. |
type | Property |
has internal identifier | ChannelHasContactPoint |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Channel |