An address representing a location.
The representation of addresses varies widely from one country's postal system to another. Even within countries, there are almost always examples of addresses that do not conform to the stated national standard. At the time of publication, work is progressing on ISO 19160-1 that defines a method through which different addresses can be converted from one conceptual model to another. For this specification we have drawn heavily on the INSPIRE Address Representation data type. The relevant properties can be found in the INSPIRE Address Representation Class. To this very granular set of properties we added two further properties: - Full Address - Identifier
type | Class |
label | Address |
Title | Address |
definition | An address representing a location. |
Description | The representation of addresses varies widely from one country's postal system to another. Even within countries, there are almost always examples of addresses that do not conform to the stated national standard. At the time of publication, work is progressing on ISO 19160-1 that defines a method through which different addresses can be converted from one conceptual model to another. For this specification we have drawn heavily on the INSPIRE Address Representation data type. The relevant properties can be found in the INSPIRE Address Representation Class. To this very granular set of properties we added two further properties: - Full Address - Identifier |
type | Class |
has internal identifier | Address |
included asset | Admin Unit L2 (AddressAdminUnitL2) |
included asset | Locator Name (AddressLocatorName) |
included asset | Locator Designator (AddressLocatorDesignator) |
included asset | Post Name (AddressPostName) |
included asset | Address Area (AddressAddressArea) |
included asset | Post Code (AddressPostCode) |
included asset | Address ID (AddressAddressID) |
included asset | PO Box (AddressPOBox) |
included asset | Full Address (AddressFullAddress) |
included asset | Thoroughfare (AddressThoroughfare) |
included asset | Admin Unit L1 (AddressAdminUnitL1) |
sample | |
Is Part Of | Core Vocabulary |
Identifier | somewhere |
Address (LegalEntityAddress) | |
Address (LocationAddress) | |
Address (PersonAddress) | |
Address (PublicOrganizationAddress) | |
Has Address (AgentHasAddress) | |
Registered Address (LegalEntityRegisteredAddress) |